
21 June 2016 - 12:30pm

You could win a KT1780 at ELEX Harrogate

It is the ELEX Show in Harrogate this week.

The show takes place on Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th of June at the YEC Harrogate between 10am and 4pm on both days.

We will be giving away two KT1780s at the show and for your chance to win one, all you have to do is visit us at stand E60 for a quick demonstration, then give us your business card (or fill in one of ours). The KT1780 is the only UK specific Two Pole Voltage Tester. Clear, bright and slender, it is the ultimate voltage detector.

We look forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones. If you would like to ask questions about our kit, or see any demonstrations, please just come and ask. We look forward to seeing you there.

Make sure you register for your free tickets at the ELEX Show website