
2 May 2017 - 11:20am

Is there more PAT testing work on the way?

With the Housing and Planning Act 2016 approved last year, 2017 is now about implementation, including the Electrical safety standards (read that section in full here). Since December 2015 it has been law in Scotland for private landlords to ensure that an electrical safety inspection of their property is carried out by a registered electrician at least every five years. This covers;

  • Any installations in the property for the supply of electricity
  • Electrical fixtures and fittings
  • Any appliances provided by the landlord under the tenancy.

Landlords must be able to prove that all of the above are in a reasonable state of repair and in proper working order. We expect this to become standard practice in the rest of the country. The KT71 (mains powered) and KT72 (battery powered) are dedicated PAT testers. If you work with landlords, you may find them asking for your help soon.